Vogue award winning photographs
One of my earliest projects was to attempt to depict a shoe fetish. I came up with the idea of a man standing on one leg bending down to pick up an object. I could not think what the object should be but I knew that in true surrealist style it had to have “resonance”. The object had to lend the shot significance. There was a a Fiorucci shop on the Brompton Road that loaned me clothes and it was in there that I saw the Jackson Pollack pattern shoes. I knew it to be an object that would suit the picture. Having taken the shot, I knew there could be no definitive image of the shoe and went on to shoot several more shoe fetishism images. The series, entitled The Fetish, went on to win the Vogue/Sotheby’s Cecil Beaton Award for young photographs and was able to work on some Condé Nast publications.